We are grateful for our generous community of readers who support our mission to provide in-depth, original reporting that has the power to inform, engage and improve the lives of people in our community.

The Chicago Shimpo newspaper is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit newspaper that was first published by Ryoichi Fujii on November 15, 1945 to serve over 20,000 thousand Nikkei residents who resettled in Chicago after their release from incarceration camps at the end of the Pacific War.  On July 1, 2022, after publishing 6,178 subscription-based paper editions, we strategically transitioned to a free on-line digital newspaper to support the community in a more timely, efficient, and dynamic manner.

We are at a critical moment in the Chicago Shimpo’s history. Please help forge the future of public service journalism in our community and donate to support our team of writers and translators to provide:

  • 50 bi-lingual news and feature articles annually

  • Community events calendar

  • Weekly email news roundups

  • And more


Mail a check

You can give online through the donation button above, or send a check made payable to The Chicago Shimpo NFP.

Checks should be mailed to:

The Chicago Shimpo NFP
Attn: Development
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 626
Chicago, IL 60654

Support public service journalism in our community.