2023 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Mutual Aid Society of Chicago
The members of the Japanese Mutual Aid Society of Chicago gathered for annual meeting in person for the first time in four years.
The Japanese Mutual Aid Society of Chicago (JMAS) held its 2023 annual meeting on March 27 at the Japanese American Service Committee. It was held in person for the first time since 2019.
At the meeting, announcement of future and past activities, annual reports on finances, plots availability in the Montrose Cemetery and community outreach were presented, and the 2023 Board of Directors were approved.
2023 and 2024 Activities Announcement:
● Memorial Day Service at Montrose Cemetery
Monday, May 29, 11 a.m.
● Chicago Japanese Picnic at LaBagh Woods Grove #1, Chicago
Saturday, August 5, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
● Japan Festival at Chicago Cultural Center
Saturday, August 19
● Two seminars are planned for 2023 by JMAS’ Community Outreach program.
Charles Golbert will speak on how to protect assets, Jeff Curio will speak on Social Security and investment issues, and Rey Tanig will speak on estate planning.
Details to be announced through JMAS’ web site.
● The Japanese American Community will host Asian American Coalition of Chicago Lunar New Year celebration on February 10, 2024. The event venue will be at
Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace. Participation from the JA and Japanese community was encouraged.
Message from JMAS President Gary Shimomura
● The JACL Chicago award for the JMAS/Miyasaki Scholarship was given to Marisa Kurowski in May, 2022
● JMAS agreed to fund a JACL Chicago Scholarship for 2023 for a student who meets the requirements.
2022 Memorial Day Service held in Montrose Cemetery
● 2022 Memorial Day Service was held in person for the first time since 2019. A beautiful weather contributed to good attendance although the crowd was a little smaller than usual.
● JMAS participated in the 75th anniversary benefit for the Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and made a Platinum level of donation to help their service activities to the JA community. It has pledged to do the same level of donation to the JASC’s fund raiser in 2023. The donation is used to the film “Before They Take Us Away.” It was shown on March 19 in Evanston through the Asian Pop-up Cinema.
JMAS’s Continuous Support for Community Activities:
● Annual Japanese Community Picnic
● Japan Bowl hosted by the Japan America Society of Chicago
● Social services grant to JASC’s senior services
● The Day of Remembrance
● Asian American Coalition of Chicago Lunar New Year Banquet. The JA community will host the event next year. Karen Kanemoto will be representing the JA community as a co-chair of the event with assistance by Ron Yoshino.
● Holiday Bento Day to seniors. Bento boxes are delivered between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
JMAS’ Website
● JMAS’ website “https://jmaschicago.org” conveys the latest information about JMAS to its members.
Montrose Cemetery
Starting in April this year, the area around the Japanese Mausoleum and the Nisei Post monument is spruced up. Junipers will be planted to fill in more empty spaces.
More than 250 plots are available for JMAS’ members in Oakhill Annex and Cherry Triangle Annex section of the Montrose Cemetery. As of January 1, 2019, a plot price in the section is $1,000 and $1,500 respectively. The plot prices will be remained at JMAS’ current level.
The cost of burials and markers are established by the Montrose Cemetery and increases on a regular basis. Anyone who needs burials and makers has to contact directly to the Cemetery. (773-478-5400)
As of February 1, 2023, Burials and Marker costs given by Montrose Cemetery are:
● Marker (headstone and foundation), to be determined
● Burial Caskets arranged by mortuary with front office
● Urns $1,600 (weekdays)
$2,200 (Saturday, 9 am to 12 noon)
● Cremation vault (cement box, lot applicable sizing) $500
Japanese Garden in the Phoenix Garden. (as of April 22, 2023)
● Additional interment (same vault) $600
● Setting charge (for cremation urn/vault) $200
● Additional fees may apply
Community Outreach
● The Garden of the Phoenix
JMAS anticipates starting its pledge in 2023. JMAS has set aside a donation of $100,000 for the Phoenix Garden, but some rule changes have occurred surrounding the Garden. President Shimomura said the Chicago Park District told JMAS that there was no ability to name structures within the Garden.
He said that originally it was to help rebuilding the Japanese moon bridge in the Phoenix Garden, and JMAS could name the bridge in return for the donation. A candidate name was Shoji Osato, one of the JMAS’ founder and a caretaker of Ho-o-den until a war between Japan and the U.S. broke out.
So far no information is available about this matter.
Elected and approved 2023 Board of Directors:
2023 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Mutual Aid of Society of Chicago
Bryan Funai
Karen Kanemoto
Neil Kanemoto
Gwen Kato
Mary Omori Samson
Gary Shimomura
Tad Tanaka
Officers will be chosen by the next bimonthly meeting.